Relationships As Religious Observe

Relationships As Religious Observe

Hello Goddess Friends,It seems to be that when you get one area of your life figured out, another area pops up and screams “Hey you! I need healing too!”. And so it is that I find myself in a new situation that is requiring immense reflection, awareness, and trigger control practice. This new area for me is the relationship with my 13 year old daughter.

How a Masculine Man Cherishes Your Emotions

How a Masculine Man Cherishes Your Emotions

Hello Beautiful Goddesses,I have to share with you a day in the life of a feminine goddess. I am the feminine goddess and yesterday was the very stressful and strange day.

Do not Make Him Your God

Do not Make Him Your God

Hello Goddess Friends,Today, I was in deep thought wondering – Why do women really want a romantic relationship anyways? Is it to share love or is to get love? If it is to share love, then that means a woman must be full of love and has enough to give away. On the other hand, if the goal is to get love, then that means a woman has a void and is seeking to fill it. These are two very different goals with two very different outcomes.

Three Levels of Love

Three Levels of Love

Hello Beautiful Goddesses,I was asked the other day how can a woman express her feelings to a man in a non-blaming direct way? My answer to that is “it depends.” How you express your feelings in a relationship depends on which stage of love you and your partner are in. According to international teacher and author, David Deida there are three stages of love. Each stage has its unique ways a man and woman experience love, connection, conflict, and communication. Each stage also has a very different feeling tone to it. Please note, none of the stages are bad or wrong. Stages are about evolution. They are to be viewed as a road map to higher levels of healing through love.

How To Be A Excessive Worth Girl

How To Be A Excessive Worth Girl

Hello, Beautiful Goddesses,In addition to practicing all the philosophies I preach I also spend a lot of my time researching information about relationships, love, self-love, and personal growth. With this said I love sharing other coaches/authors work on my blog. Today I want to share a blog by relationship coach, Katarina Phang. I know she is a bit controversial for various reasons I won’t get into here. Yet, at the end of the day, I think she is on point with what she says about the 7 traits of a High-Value Woman. So I will share this important information here so you can grow and evolve into the amazing Goddess you were meant to be!

Lean Again – Watch Your Thoughts and Really feel your Emotions

Lean Again – Watch Your Thoughts and Really feel your Emotions

Hello Goddess Friends,As much of a fairytale my life seems to be these last few weeks have been a stark reminder that I am still evolving and still have triggers to clear in my relationship with El Guapo (my husband). With that said, the good news is that because of all the work I have done healing and becoming aware of my unhealthy patterns, these activated triggers barely have had any negative effect on my relationship. (This is the Goddess way.)

He Constructed Me a Rose Backyard!

He Constructed Me a Rose Backyard!

Hello Beautiful Goddesses,I wanted to share a beautiful experience I had with my husband, El Guapo. I share my story so women who regularly read my blog can see what a man is capable of when he is inspired by a feminine woman. I also want to share so I can revel in appreciation of this beautiful connection I have created through hard work, discipline, and deep spiritual practice.

Competing together with your Masculine Man

Competing together with your Masculine Man

Are you competing for power and respect in your relationship? I mean, are you a masculine woman butting heads with your masculine man? Unfortunately, this is what many couples are experiencing nowadays. You see romantic relationships flourish when there are two opposite energy systems (masculine & feminine) working together and complementing each other. There is the masculine leader that directs, manages, controls, is purpose-driven, protects, provides, and feels best when respected. Then, there is the feminine energy partner that receives, loves, flows, feels, surrenders, engages the sensual world, and feels best when cherished. When two people come together with opposite energies, sparks fly and things flow a lot smoother.

The Female Coronary heart and the World

The Female Coronary heart and the World

Hello Beautiful Goddesses,I write this blog during a time of great upheaval in our country (United States). A time when there is a lot of uncertainty and fear. Yet, my feminine heart feels moved to share and connect. So here it goes…

Magical Female Power

Magical Female Power

Hello Goddess Friends,I apologize for my lack of blogging over the last few months. I have been lost in my world of quarantine, kids, husband (El Guapo), and learning how to do business on Instagram (@artoflovingaman). I am new to Instagram and I like it, but it sure does take up a lot of time! I also have been coaching quite a bit and I am having such a wonderful time supporting and teaching women how to embody feminine energy and how to love in a way that feels good to a man. The miracles I see with these women are so validating.

The Artwork of Loving a Man on “Your Information to Love” podcast

The Artwork of Loving a Man on “Your Information to Love” podcast

Hello Goddess friends!I was interviewed recently by the lovely Haley Halveston on her podcast “Your Guide to Love.” It was a great conversation where we talked about feminine and masculine energy, dating during this pandemic, and how important it is to have great sex in an ongoing relationship. You can listen below or on her website here.