Lean Again, Open your Coronary heart and Love Your self

Sometimes I feel like I am living in a fairy tale. I am loved, adored and cherished by a very handsome, successful, masculine man (El Guapo). He treats me like a Queen and lives to make me happy. He stays emotionally connected to me and always wants to spend time with me and give energy to the relationship. He buys me gifts and makes me laugh. He is tender and kind and speaks loving words everyday. I so strongly want to encourage women to learn the “The Art of Loving a Man” so they too can have such a beautiful experience being in a relationship with a man. Sometimes I don’t know where to start trying to teach this long lost art. The secrets of a Goddess are many and very much alive.  I know the first place to begin is to share that it is a woman’s relationship to herself and her darker feelings that will ultimately offer her liberation from dysfunctional relationships. You see, the fastest way to push a man away is to have unresolved emotional issues that are constantly being put onto him and the relationship. It may seem like he is the cause of your horrible feelings, but I promise you these dark feelings existed inside you long before you met him. He just happens to trigger them now. So what is a woman to do when she wants a healthy loving relationship? She begins with learning the ebb and flow of the energies within her own heart. She begins to feel the deep pain of the past without blaming him. She learns not to take things personal and uses the triggers as opportunities to heal. She learns to tolerate her pain so it can slowly dissipate. Emotional pain from the past only needs your awareness and focus. Once you shed the light of awareness on your emotional pain it transmutes back to light energy. This is the difficult work of healing. This is the path to great love. This is when relationships get juicy. This is when a woman can offer love, warmth and openness because her heart is pure. It has been cleansed of the past. This is when a man gets hooked on your enchanting presence. It is all about the emotional environment you offer a man. This is what draws him in or pushes him away. If you are afraid that you have already pushed him away for good-  don’t worry, it’s never too late. Check out the article below by wonderful Relationship Coach, Rori Raye (www.havetherelationshipyouwant.com). Be patient with yourself and soon you will join the world of Enchantresses and Goddesses. These are the women that hold the keys to the hearts of great men.

The way to Turn out to be a Trendy Day Enchantress Half II

The way to Turn out to be a Trendy Day Enchantress Half II

Not to long ago I felt I had nothing wonderful to offer a man. I thought he was the prize and I always felt I had to win his love over and over again. In fact, I always felt a sense of desperation that I would lose a man’s attraction and love because there was nothing anchoring him to the relationship.  It is only when I began to focus on myself and learned to be intimate with the complexities of my darker emotions that I was able to gain a sense of control over my negative reactions. I also gained a deep understanding about myself and this control and understanding allowed me to relax more and open up. This is when I began to be more calm, openhearted and tender with my man. It was at this point I found Kristina Marchant’s work. She introduced me to the idea that a man longs for  a woman’s feminine mystique and entrance into the depths of her emotional world. A man wants to get lost in a woman and feel the world through her sensual ways and soft emotions. It finally hit me that us women have a beautiful gift to give men. This gift is the vulnerable, soft , sensual, emotional and tender ways of the feminine Enchantress. A man knows when he has encountered an Enchantress and he will bend over backward to be in her presence. I experience this everyday in my relationship and it is the most beautiful feeling in the world. El Guapo (my fiancee) adores, cherishes and provides for me and in turn I keep him connected to love, vulnerability and sensuality. Us women have a beautiful gift for men and they need and want us more then we know. See Kristina Marchant’s article below.

The Connection Is The Relationship

The Connection Is The Relationship

“The connection is the relationship” – I heard these words spoken the other day by a relationship coach and it struck a chord with me. A relationship is not about how many dates you have been on or what title you currently have. I mean those things definitely matter, but that is not what is going to make a relationship great. A good relationship is the quality of the emotional connection. It is the quality of trust and understanding between two people. It is the maturity and understanding that is exhibited when things get bumpy. It is the grace that is given when your partner makes a mistake or exhibits weakness. It is the space you give each other to have your own experiences without fear of judgement or criticism. These are the things that make connection with a another person beautiful.

Actually Loving A Man Means He Feels Free

Actually Loving A Man Means He Feels Free

Yesterday, I heard one of my favorite spiritual teachers, Marianne Williamson, say “Really loving someone means they feel free in a relationship with you.” Something about this resonated deeply with my ideas about “The Art of Loving a Man.” Could a man’s attraction, devotion and commitment to you be dependent on the level of freedom he feels in the relationship? When I say freedom I am referring to two things: 

The best way to be a Trendy Day Enchantress Half I

The best way to be a Trendy Day Enchantress Half I

 I wish I was an Enchantress living in the times of King Arthur and the Knights of Camelot. It feels like such a romantic period of time. I also feel that women knew who they were back then and used this knowing to love their men. If you read my blog you know that I often write about how important it is for a woman to know and touch the depths of her emotions and be able to stay centered no matter what a man does. This is the foundation of a modern day Enchantress. She lures her man to stay connected to her with her deep emotions and feminine mystery. See a great article below. 🙂 

Let Go of Management and Create Area for Him to Give and Love You

Let Go of Management and Create Area for Him to Give and Love You

Relationships are not easy. They are constantly pushing you up against your own limits. They force you to transform or fail. For a woman practicing feminine principles, a relationship with a man can drive her to the edge of the abyss and push her over into darkness. No one can tell her what lies at the bottom, but it is her courage and willingness to surrender that brings her a relationships greatest gifts. These gifts include the gift of being cherished and loved by a masculine man.  It is trust and faith in herself and then her man that catapults her man into his role as provider, protector and guardian of her heart.

A Man Withdrawing is Pure

A Man Withdrawing is Pure

I love! love! love! Christian Carter. His work changed my life. It was difficult at times to read his e-book and watch his programs because I saw myself as the desperate, clingy and needy woman he spoke about. This was devastating at the time.  Yet, it was what I needed to see in order to change. When I realized that I was that woman, I wanted nothing else in the world then to be someone else. I wanted to be a Goddess. A woman that a man adores and can’t get enough of. This was my work and it has been painful, but the rewards have been well worth it. One thing that I still encounter is this experience of a man withdrawing. Now “El Guapo” (my fiancee) only withdraws when he is stressed out from work or other life events, but it still always evokes a strong reaction inside me. The most important thing a woman can do when her man is withdrawing is to “Give Him Space” to be alone mentally, emotionally and maybe even physically. Unfortunately, this creates a lot of fear inside of a woman and it is at this time a woman over reacts. It is also at this time all the skeletons come out of the closet.  This is when your emotional strength shines or your emotional instability is revealed and trust me your man is watching and very aware. If you practice no other Goddess technique, let this be the one. See blog below for some more insight.

Attraction and your Thriller as a Girl

Attraction and your Thriller as a Girl

“You can make a man feel attraction, devotion and lifelong desire to make you happy in the simplest ways – by being so comfortable in your own skin, and at such a deep level, that he finds  you endlessly mysterious and yet totally emotionally SAFE to be with.



After listening to Pat Allen’s radio show the other day I once again realized how important opposite energies are when it comes to emotional and physical attraction.  It is the Ying and the Yang that allows for flow, ease and romance to exist in intimate relationships. Yet, for women these days surrendering control to the Masculine can feel like death. It requires a deep trust in oneself and a letting go that is profound. Each day in my relationship I am challenged with this type of surrender and each time I choose to stay in my feminine energy I am rewarded.  Each time I stay in my feminine energy, “El Guapo” (my fiancee), steps into his masculine and the energy dance between us is AMAZING. It’s like lighting bolts and fireworks. He gives, protects and cherishes my feelings and I surrender control, remain vulnerable, sensual and emotionally soft. These opposite energies coming together in a man and woman create magic. For more understanding, see this great article I found below from this website – www.gurussay.com.  It’s enlightening. 

4 Issues Each Man Needs In A Girl

4 Issues Each Man Needs In A Girl

From our Sponsor, Christian Carter, Author of best-selling eBook Catch Him & Keep Him While every man is different, there are certain things about a woman that will make any man stand up, take notice, and make him decide he wants to get to know you on a deeper level.

Find out how to Make a Man Fall in Love

Find out how to Make a Man Fall in Love

Practicing Kristina Marchant’s “5 ways to make a man fall in love with you” created miracles in my love life. It’s all about self-esteem and learning to relate to a man softly, yet with boundaries. It’s about allowing a man space to chase and romance you and always putting yourself first in your own mind. A man is attracted to a woman who does not fall apart when he does not do what she wants. He loves the mystery and inner strength of a woman who can speak softly when she is hurt and ask sweetly for those things she would like in a relationship.  The minute a man feels like a woman is demanding of his time, love, energy or sex he will feel controlled and he will rebel. Therefore, a woman must not look to a man to feel better about herself or she will engage in all kinds of crazy antics that will manifest as controlling behavior. This will kill a man’s desire to please a woman and the downhill spiral from here can be emotionally deadly. See Kristina Marchant’s blog below to begin changing how you relate to a man. Remember to take baby steps and be gentle with yourself. You will make many mistakes trying to change, but eventually you will see the changes in how men (or your man) treat you and you will be thrilled. I say this as I stare at a dozen roses sent to me by my El Guapo (My fiancee) for Valentine’s Day. He is the most wonderful man in the world and his sweetness and romantic gestures are a direct reflection of the value and love I have for myself.