Valentine’s Day – I Am Liked!

Valentine’s Day is just a few days away and I have thought long and hard about what to write. I realized there is really only one thing to say – You have to treat yourself the way you want to be treated. If you are feeling lonely, hopeless, neglected or sad on this day I offer you a simple practice – wake up on Valentine’s Day and deeply surrender to the feeling of disappointment or sadness. Find where in your body it hurts (heart, chest or stomach) and lean into the pain. Then relax, lean in deeper, take a deep breathe and LET GO!!!! Let go of the deep sadness first, then let go of any expectation you have of someone else doing something for you. That doesn’t mean you let go of your desire for romance, but it does mean you release your NEED for someone on this day to make you feel whole and happy. You must be whole and happy first for great love and romance to find you.

A Man Wants a Lady To….

A Man Wants a Lady To….

Hello Beautiful Goddess!Well, the tornado of transformation has swept me up again. The universe/life/God has plans and wants me to heal EVERYTHING like now! I have not been blogging much for the last few months because I have been busy putting all my blog advice to work. The good news is that my advice works! Thank God! I would never want to advise my blog readers to do something that does not work or benefit their relationship. Without getting into too many personal details, I have been asked by life to Surrender and Trust my man, El Guapo, and life in general. Has it been easy? Absolutely not! In fact, I have found myself on a number of occasions making pleas to the universe to lighten up my enlightenment training. I really feel like life is supposed to feel good and flow, and I am determined to figure it out. Since our intimate relationships are where most of our pain comes from, I always begin there first.



Hello Goddesses, The Art of Loving A Man is now on Instagram!Please go check it out and follow! I will be posting unique content to my Instagram and Facebook pages so make sure to give them a follow. 💕

When a Man is Pulling Away….

When a Man is Pulling Away….

Hello beautiful Goddesses,I just wanted to share an email I sent a client after she expressed her concern that her man was pulling away. I dont think I need to share her particular details because at the end of the day my guidance can be used for most situations. Hope this touches someone who needd to hear these words. See below

13 Guidelines of a Goddess

13 Guidelines of a Goddess

Surrender to the masculine force/energy of your manLove yourself more than your manKnow your emotional triggers

Two Classes in Love

Two Classes in Love

El Guapo (my husband) is back! He has been working out of town for 2 years and I can’t believe I emotionally survived this long. Well, actually I can believe it because I worked my tail off pushing through the fire of my abandonment triggers while he was gone. I know life sent me this experience (having a husband work out of town) so I could clean out the dark corners in my heart where I stored unhealed energy and guess what…. I DID IT! With some tears and a few whiney moments, I mastered it. I know I did the emotional work because having him home feels AMAZING, yet I felt amazing while he was gone too. Having him home now feels like icing on my cake! It especially feels good to have that strong masculine energy back in the house and in my day to day life. I love that he drives me around, worries about the dog, buys me coffee, helps the kids with math homework, puts up the Christmas tree, hires the handyman and asks me about my day each night before bed. I get to relax in his strength and guidance.

The Artwork of Loving a Man eBook →

The Artwork of Loving a Man eBook →

Hello Goddesses!It’s finally here! The Art of Loving a Man eBookThis guide contains over 150 points on the art of loving a man for a feminine woman. After many years of my own failed relationships and heartbreaks, I discovered there is another way to love a man. I uncovered the secrets of love that I now share with you.

Booty Name or Goddess Love

Booty Name or Goddess Love

It’s a cozy and cold morning here in Los Angeles and I am sipping on a warm cup of coffee doing what I love, which is to dissect complex issues that arise in masculine and feminine relationship dynamics. These last few days I have been really thinking about – When do you sleep with a man? Well, as women we have a few options:

Threatened and Susceptible

Threatened and Susceptible

Hello Beautiful Goddesses! I have been busy writing my mini ebook/love manual and I am super excited as I am only weeks away from posting it to my website. I wrote it and envision that it will be a go to manual (aka cliff notes) to learn the basic principles of the “Art of Loving a Man” through feminine energy principles. Basically it is everything I have learned and applied to my relationship over the last 5 years. It includes every single philosophy and principle that has resonated with me over all the years that I have studied relationships, ego mind trips and feminine principles. It is a go to manual for when you feel lost, confused and out of sorts while navigating the muddy waters of love and partnership. As I share my most vulnerable underbelly with you, my manual is what has worked for me during my dark night of the soul journey. I live and breathe relationship principles all day, everyday and as I coach women, watch videos, read books and study spiritual texts what I put into this manual is what I found has worked for me. With all that said, I come to my blog this evening with an honest, open heart and to tell you I have learned that it takes great strength, perseverance, will power, awareness and spiritual devotion to evolve and transform yourself into a woman that can create the fertile soil for great love to grow. Every day you are challenged to look into your own heart and discover where your barriers to love are. You are confronted with your old wounds time and time again, continually being asked to muster the self discipline to burn through your emotional triggers to feel pure love on the other side of pain and resentment. This manual is not for for the faint of heart. It is for the Goddess warrior – the woman who refuses to live a life of mediocre love. It is for a woman that knows fairy tale love exists and believes there is a strong, loyal and adoring masculine man that is willing to love her with all his heart. So my dear readers I tell you in my new manual and in this blog, you must push beyond your limited ego mind and dissolve the old story that keeps you stuck. It is the pull of the energy you must fight first and foremost, not just the negative story that has played a thousand times in your mind. You must be strong enough to not get pulled into the story. At the end of the day the battle is between you and you. The you that believes you are the limited and weak, undeserving woman and the you that knows you exist above and beyond that story. The goal is for you to connect to the you that is connected to the divine love of an adoring and giving universe/god. My manual will ask you to do the emotional work and open and purify your heart so you can draw into your life the love that you deserve. I walk this path with all you Goddesses and I walk this path everyday even when I feel that I am threatened and vulnerable. It is at this time that I push forward even more to be love and light. I ask you to do the same in the name of love.



After listening to Pat Allen’s radio show the other day I once again realized how important opposite energies are when it comes to emotional and physical attraction.  It is the Ying and the Yang that allows for flow, ease and romance to exist in intimate relationships. Yet, for women these days surrendering control to the Masculine can feel like death. It requires a deep trust in oneself and a letting go that is profound. Each day in my relationship I am challenged with this type of surrender and each time I choose to stay in my feminine energy I am rewarded.  Each time I stay in my feminine energy, “El Guapo” (my fiancee), steps into his masculine and the energy dance between us is AMAZING. It’s like lighting bolts and fireworks. He gives, protects and cherishes my feelings and I surrender control, remain vulnerable, sensual and emotionally soft. These opposite energies coming together in a man and woman create magic. For more understanding, see this great article I found below from this website –  It’s enlightening. 

Painkiller or Nutritional vitamins?

Painkiller or Nutritional vitamins?

I heard a business mentor say today – “does your relationship coach offer you a painkiller or vitamins?” I thought that was a brilliant analogy to describe the two roads available to a woman when she decides to address the problems in her love life. A painkiller is when you decide to change the man in your life, one after the other because things keep going wrong. A painkiller is when you change the type of man you are dating or come up with some strict boundaries in your dating life. On the other hand, a vitamin is when you figure out what your unresolved emotional issues are and learn to cultivate awareness around them. A vitamin is also when you muster up the strength to feel your past pain in the present moment. Really feel it! Like feel it until it feels like you might explode or die. This is like swallowing a whole handful of vitamins. As I coach women I always offer vitamins not painkillers. Everything else seems like a distraction and long road to nowhere.