Magical Female Power

Magical Female Power

Hello Goddess Friends,I apologize for my lack of blogging over the last few months. I have been lost in my world of quarantine, kids, husband (El Guapo), and learning how to do business on Instagram (@artoflovingaman). I am new to Instagram and I like it, but it sure does take up a lot of time! I also have been coaching quite a bit and I am having such a wonderful time supporting and teaching women how to embody feminine energy and how to love in a way that feels good to a man. The miracles I see with these women are so validating.

The Female Coronary heart and the World

The Female Coronary heart and the World

Hello Beautiful Goddesses,I write this blog during a time of great upheaval in our country (United States). A time when there is a lot of uncertainty and fear. Yet, my feminine heart feels moved to share and connect. So here it goes…

Glow with Love

Glow with Love

Hello Beautiful Goddesses!I have been very busy coaching clients and loving every minute of it. Each one of my clients are so unique and I love watching them grow and push themselves to heal old patterns and behaviors. I have been reminded lately that healing is a process of ups and downs and back and forths. It definitely is not a linear process. This can be a bit discouraging for some women. After a big trigger and a great emotional-energetic release, a woman may feel on top of the world only to be triggered again a few days later. This often makes a woman feel that her hard work is not paying off, but my job is to remind her it is all part of the process. I also remind women that it is in these times that she must build her awareness and emotional release feeling muscles and keep pressing forward.

The Artwork of Female Love

The Artwork of Female Love

No one would believe me if I told them how amazing my marriage and relationship is. Sometimes, it even surprises me! I mean I have suffered in relationships since I was 15 yrs old. When I was 16 yrs old, I read a fascinating book entitled “Codependent No More.” It described me in each chapter with every detail. Then, after a failed marriage (2012), I read about being a “Love Addict” and that was a mean wake up call. So basically, I sucked in relationships and always found myself with a man that triggered all my insecurities. Years of therapy didn’t help much and asking a man to not do the things that triggered me didn’t work either. Then, I came across 2 things that created a magical formula for transformation. Becoming aware of the ego-mind and its relentless negativity and the feminine and masculine energy dance. With these tools, I have created a romance reserved for fairy tale novels. My biggest tool by far is my feminine energy. It is such a powerful change agent. What do I mean by using my feminine energy? Let me simplify this…

The Artwork of Loving a Man on “Your Information to Love” podcast

The Artwork of Loving a Man on “Your Information to Love” podcast

Hello Goddess friends!I was interviewed recently by the lovely Haley Halveston on her podcast “Your Guide to Love.” It was a great conversation where we talked about feminine and masculine energy, dating during this pandemic, and how important it is to have great sex in an ongoing relationship. You can listen below or on her website here.

Love & The Regulation of Attraction

Love & The Regulation of Attraction

One of the greatest teachers in my healing journey to love and happiness has been Abraham Hicks! For those of you who know Abraham’s teachings, my fondness for the them will resonate deeply with you. For those that do not know of Abraham, let me try to explain. Abraham is a spirit guide/universal intelligence that is channeled through a woman named Esther Hicks. I know this might sound a bit strange, but then again, we are living in really strange times right now (lol)! I see it this way – the proof of channeling and supernatural experiences is not worth trying to figure out. For me, what is important is the message and Abraham has a wonderful message!

Connection As an alternative Of Battle

Connection As an alternative Of Battle

The other day I did something different when I was triggered. I OPENED up instead of closing my heart! I was hurt and a bit angry with my husband ( El Guapo) and I wanted to RESIST and defend myself. Instead, I pushed past my resistance and used my will power to stay open energetically. In turn, this helped me to not engage in the same old fearful patterns of behavior that I always use when I am triggered.

What Males Crave!

What Males Crave!

Hello Lovely Goddess Friends,First, let me say I hope everyone is doing okay and feeling safe. This virus and all the fear and changes are mentally and emotionally taking a toll on us all. This is especially true if you are a feminine woman who feels deeply. If you are feeling scared and anxious I recommend you go into your body and feel those feelings with focus and awareness. Then when possible let them go returning yourself to the present moment with an open heart and giving spirit. The world and its people need unity and loving energy to heal. I know most of us are locked in our homes and we feel helpless, but remember we have the power to love. Love those who you are with and reach out to those in need. I pray that this passes quickly so we can move on and live differently now that we realize how precious life and freedom is. While you are home it is always a good thing to continue your Goddess work. Therefore, I have some new info. to share.

The Queen’s Code

The Queen’s Code

Hello Beautiful Goddesses,Well, I will start off with an update on El Guapo (husband). He still is as dreamy and as fabulous as ever!! He is back home for good and working hard. He absolutely killed it (in a good way) on Valentine’s day and my birthday. I have never felt so romanced, loved, special, and wanted. I got chocolates, a card with a written heartfelt declaration of love, beautiful roses delivered, jewelry, Airpod pros, a surprise romantic dinner, lots of kisses etc.. and a shopping spree!!! Seriously??? It was AMAZING!!! With that said, there is not one day that goes by that I do not thank him for his hard work and sweet loving gestures. This interplay of energy we have is how I know living from your feminine energy will bring you the relationship of your dreams.

Valentine’s Day – A Female Girl’s Manner

Valentine’s Day – A Female Girl’s Manner

Here are a few more thoughts I had about Valentine’s Day for all you Goddesses of Love!Much Love,Malena💕