What Makes a Man Decide to a Girl?

Hello Goddesses,I am finally back and have made it to my desk to type up this new blog. The holidays got a bit hectic, and life in general seems to pull me in so many directions. It can be challenging to decide which topic I would like to write about. Sometimes, I just have to begin typing to see what comes out. Today, I think I want to write about men and commitment. This is a big one! It is such a hot topic and at the heart of so many problems my clients come to me for.

How Will You Really feel Cherished If You’re Not on Social Media?

How Will You Really feel Cherished If You’re Not on Social Media?

If you are interested in learning more about placing your value in things that are truly satisfying, sign up for the email series at the bottom of the page.

A Female Girl Is aware of What She Does Not Need

A Female Girl Is aware of What She Does Not Need

Hello Goddess Friends,It’s been a while since I posted, and it is because I have been knee dip in raising a teenager. I had no idea it would be this hard. All is well, but I am on the front lines with her navigating and maneuvering the ups and downs of this turbulent phase of her life. She has her first real boyfriend, and it is so sweet to watch her emulate me and really put to work some of my teachings. She is a beautiful sensitive soul, and my heart yearns for her to experience the joy and happiness that can come from a good relationship.

Goddess Requirements!

Goddess Requirements!

Hello Beautiful Goddesses,Today I want to talk about standards and expectations. I have coached a lot of women over the years and one of the things that stands out is the low expectations most women have about love and what a good man can and should offer her while dating and in a relationship. I don’t think many women have taken a moment to really think about what their standards are. What does a man have to do, be or give to be in a relationship with you?

Six Individuals You Need in Your Pal Group

Six Individuals You Need in Your Pal Group

These days, people have begun to refer to their friends as their “squad.” An ideal squad looks perfect, does everything together and can conquer the world.

Males, Dedication & Emotional Attraction

Males, Dedication & Emotional Attraction

Hello Lovely Goddesses,I thought for this blog I would make a list of the most important ideas and philosophies about men and commitment. With that said, I will also note important points about a process called “emotional attraction” because it is the main ingredient in how and why a man commits to a particular woman. All of the things listed below are what I used to turn my emotionally unavailable man into the most dedicated, loyal, and loving man. See our wedding pic above. 🙂

5 Widespread Profile Errors Ladies Over 50 are Making and What to Do As a substitute! 

5 Common Profile Mistakes Women Over 50 are Making and What to Do Instead!    Profile Mistake #1 . . . Being boring or negative in your profile  How many times have you wanted to take a snooze reading a man’s profile that continually says I like this and I

A Female Girl’s Information to Feeling

A Female Girl’s Information to Feeling

“One of the most important practices to learn is the art of emotional management. If you are not in touch with your feelings and know how to deal with the pain in your heart, you will not truly be able to love a man. This is because the love you have for him is created and nurtured inside you and then extended into the relationship. It is not something he gives you and then you give back. The peace and love you bring to your relationship reflect the love in your own heart.”

Are All Your Mates Simply Like You?

Are All Your Mates Simply Like You?

If I gathered my close friends in one room, it wouldn’t take long for you to see that we’re far more alike than different.

Develop Friendships That Final a Lifetime

Develop Friendships That Final a Lifetime

Angled at 45 degrees and slicked with mud and grease, the “Slip Wall” on the adventure race series “Spartan Ultimate Team Challenge” presented competitors with an obstacle no one could conquer alone.

9 Methods to Be a Good Neighbor

9 Methods to Be a Good Neighbor

A year after settling into our new home, we had the idea to have a little, informal block party and invite the neighbors around us whom we knew — about 15 or 20 people.