Author: Anthony Fletcher
PHOTO: ILONA OLKONEN The more I think about The Art of Loving a Man the more I realize how much healing a woman must do within her own heart in order to practice all the wonderful things I talk about here on this blog. If you read my blog you know that I have some particular things that are required of you in order to be that soft, sweet, yet powerful Goddess that you were born to be. One of the most important practices is the art of emotional management. If you are not in touch with your feelings and know how to deal with the pain in your heart when it comes up then you will not be able to truly love a man. This is because the love you have for him is created and nurtured inside you and then extended into the relationship. The love you feel is not something from outside yourself. It is not something he gives you and then you give back. It begins with you. The peace and love you bring to your relationship is the love in your own heart. If your heart is wounded and closed then you will bring that broken energy to your man and no matter what he does, good or bad, you will find a way to sabotage it and then you will blame him and think you are the victim.
How do you communicate with a man? – Short and Sweet. You calmly make your I feel….. statements, with no blame or criticism, and then you stop. You don’t go on and on about how horrible he is and how awful you feel. You don’t throw a pity party and bring up 100’s of examples of his bad behavior or your proof why he is so awful now. You say I feel….. I don’t want to feel this way and then you give him some kind of guide as to what would make you feel better or how he can fix it. Remember men are action oriented and solution focused. They don’t understand the complex world of a woman’s emotions. They don’t know grey, they know black and white. They understand that if something is wrong then logically they should fix it. They get overwhelmed by strong negative emotion and it literally makes them shut down. This does not mean you cannot cry and have feelings, but it does mean that you do not attack. It also means you help explain to him how to make you happy again (aka the solution) or you state your feelings and then let it go. It is his job as a man to figure out how to make things better. If he can’t make it better, it is your job as a woman to accept that. Here is another thing about men – When they hear that you are unhappy they take it as a personal attack no matter what. Their goal and sense of pride is in making you happy. So when you are constantly coming to them with your unhappiness (which I believe is 90% your own self-made unhappiness) they feel like failures over and over again. This then makes them pull away from you because all they know is that it does not feel good to be around you. Then when they pull away it triggers you and makes you feel abandoned or like he does not care and you get even more upset. Then he gets overwhelmed by all the negative emotion and pulls away even more. You shut down your heart because you are hurt and he shuts down his heart because he has no idea what is going on or how to fix it. This is how most relationships fall apart. So in order to not let this happen you have to gain control of your emotional world so you can calmly voice your feelings. This also requires that you learn how to feel your feelings (This part is huge!).You also have to begin to take 100% responsibility for how you feel so you don’t blame and attack him and then you extend compassion and grace to your man. Remember if he feels emotional safety (no blame, attack) and kindness from you (which is difficult to do when you are triggered), he will move mountains to help fix the problems. In the end all he wants is to be your hero. It’s a Goddess’s job to pave the way for him to accomplish that.
When I woke up this morning El Guapo (my boyfriend) had already left to work, but not without adding a reminder to the list I made for myself the night before. (See picture) The reminder was “I love you.” It was a sweet and romantic gesture that makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside. It is the little things men do to make sure you know how special you are that makes all the difference. Yet, you must remember that it is you who inspires them to do these things for you. I was soft, sweet, gentle and playful all weekend. I gave him emotional space when he was overwhelmed with work and I reminded him how happy he makes me at every opportunity. Now don’t get me wrong it was not all roses – I had an issue that was bothering me “big time” and I just voiced my feelings without trying to control him or blame him. He listened and validated my feelings and we moved on. Each day, I keep inspiring him to shower me with affection, love and adoration and it feels AMAZING!!!! Oh and when I talk to him on the phone this morning he said “I already miss you now that you are gone.” This is how in love a man should be with his woman. It feels heavenly!
Learning to stay centered and balanced in times of intense emotional upheaval is difficult and takes so much willpower and love that I almost believe it is a practice saved for Buddha and Jesus. Yet, it is the key to intimacy. It is vital to becoming a Goddess. Intimacy is about connecting to each others hearts and keeping both hearts open. If you do not learn how to control and express your emotions, without blame and attack, your man will shut down and you are left on your own. Yes, we wish men did not do this, but they are sensitive creatures underneath their man armor and they can’t take emotional attacks. They just don’t know how to. So learning to take responsibility for your own perceptions, feelings, and triggers and then learning to express yourself in a loving way, will keep your connection with your man alive. In fact he will be in awwww of you. You will be like a mystical creature to him and he will love watching you be in touch with your feelings, since he is of another land. Just remember – no blame, criticism or attack.
The more I read Kristina Marchant’s e-books the more I realize what it means to be a real woman and goddess. First of all it means loving yourself enough to not chase a man. It means never begging for more time, commitment or attention. It means every time you find yourself obsessing over him, you turn your attention back on yourself. It means not making him the center of your world and always making sure you can live without him. It means being in touch with your feelings so you can be open and vulnerable with him and connect with his heart. It means you create space between the both of you so he can have room to move toward you and bring you light. Then as Kristina’s Marchant says you take that light and you weave it into a beautiful relationship that inspires him to keep giving. This is the way a man and a woman are suppose to be in relationship with each other. The problem is that us women have lost our way. We are hollow inside and think a man will fix our existential emptiness. It’s not true. The fix is spiritual in nature. The solution is for you to develop your connection with love/life and or whatever you call your higher power. You connect yourself to something that sustains you from the inside. Once you do this then you can have a real relationship with a man because you will not be depending on him to make you feel happy and secure. Until then you are just an energy vampire and he knows it. .
By Christian CarterDo you find yourself playing games or pretending not to care in order to keep a man attracted? Do you ever worry that you are going to scare a man away if you show him how you feel? You aren’t alone. Many women find themselves playing games or pretending not to care in order to keep a man attracted and interested.
Reposted from James Bauer’s blog – http://blog.beirresistible.comA survey was done as men walked out of marriage license bureaus.
When your man is angry, tired, overwhelmed or withdrawn what do you do? Do you make it about you and your feelings and immediately tell him how horrible he is acting? Or are you able to see things from his perspective and give him space to feel and do what ever it is he needs? Do you give him space and remain content and in your happy place until he returns? Relationships were not meant to always run smooth and easy. They involve two human beings that are constantly shifting moods and getting triggered by events and people. With this said, I think it is very important to welcome the bumps in the road and learn to navigate them with grace. The Art of Loving a Man involves learning to stand still when the waters are rough. It means being the steady shoreline and letting him be the waves. A real man needs a woman to hold the loving space while he flounders a bit in the chaos of his own mind. Of course this does not include inappropriate behavior. This just means allowing him emotional space without making it always about you and your needs. It requires a tremendous amount of control over your emotions. It requires the ability to not take things personal and have compassion then letting him find his way back to you if he is feeling distant or angry. A good man will always find his way back to you (emotionally), but he needs to see and feel that you are steady. This is what attracts him to you and keeps his attraction high. He knows you trust yourself and you trust him. The question is not how to avoid the rough times in a relationship. The question is how do you react when things are not running smooth. The Art of Loving a Man means you do not overwhelm him with your negative emotions and voice to him how wrong he is. Instead you stay calm and allow him space to feel and be. Then he will return with more love then you can imagine.
Relationship Author, Pat Allen, says a man’s deepest psychic craving is to have his thoughts respected and a woman’s deepest psychic craving is to have her feelings cherished – The ying and the yang. These opposing energies according to her fuel passion, love and romance. If a woman takes the feminine role of respecting her man’s thoughts/ideas/actions, a man will take the masculine role and cherish her feelings and strive to make her happy. What does this look like? Well, I experienced it firsthand this weekend. In order to protect his privacy I am going to refer to my man as El Guapo. He is latin and hot and he is my wonderful man. El Guapo runs his own business and pretty much works 6 days a week. He travels a lot and has very little extra time. He works long hours and is always exhausted. Now enter his woman – ME! I am very understanding, loving and compassionate, but as most women I crave and love lots of attention. He is usually always there to meet these needs except sometimes he has needs too. Strange ugh? A man has needs too?? I believe the turning point for me in building a beautiful relationship is when I realized this– a man has needs and they should be respected. Sometimes he needs down time to relax and re-charge. This can be difficult for me when he has been out of town for a week and I am dying for some love – all kinds. So he tells me this weekend he cannot go with me to an event I was attending Saturday night. He nicely said,
Have you ever really stopped to think about how capable you are of feeling your feelings (the good ones and the bad ones)? I once read that in order to feel your good feelings you must also know how to feel you’re not so good feelings. So a better questions is – Do you know how to feel your bad/negative/dark feelings?
“For most men, a lasting commitment isn’t just a matter of choosing a woman and saying “Yes.” It takes a specific set of ongoing experiences to get a man to keep opening up and to learn to love and share more deeply as time goes on.” By, Christian Carter w