Author: Anthony Fletcher
When we find ourselves in relationships that are causing us overwhelming emotional pain there is only one thing that can truly help – complete and absolute acceptance and surrender to the situation and experience. Many women find my blog because they are desperately trying to figure out how to make their relationships work or how to get their men to commit or love them better. The answer to all of this is complete acceptance and surrender to the situation. The reason this is the answer is because this is where deep transformation happens. When a man or situation hurts us it is because they/it are triggering something inside us that brings up our dark feelings. We don’t want to feel this so instead we try to get the man/situation to change. What if the answer is to do the opposite? What if instead of trying to change the situation/man we accept it and sink deep into the uncomfortable feelings. What if we took a deep breath and dove into the abyss that we so desperately keep running from. This is complete acceptance and surrender. This is what changes the energy patterns in your heart that attract unhealthy relationships and behaviors in men. We women get so caught up trying to change men that we do not realize the power of transformation inside our own souls. Just take one minute to sit calmly and quietly and say to yourself “I accept and surrender to this situation that feels so painful” Let yourself feel what you are trying to avoid. Just sit and relax and release the energy. Once you practice and learn to accept and surrender to your painful feelings then you become a powerful Goddess! You are a powerful Goddess because even if your man triggers your pain you can handle it because you are already intimate with it. This intimacy with your pain with change your behavior with your man. You will not be so fearful of his words and actions. You will have the main ingredient of a Goddess – control and intimacy with her emotional world. Once you carry this energy of a Goddess your vibe changes and on an unconscious level your man will begin to see you differently. He will see you as a mysterious and powerful creature that can be vulnerable and feel her dark feelings yet have the strength to not unleash her madness on the world. He will be captivated by the way you are able to be strong on the inside, yet soft on the outside. You will exude emotional safety which is what all men unconsciously want. Lately, in my relationship with “El Guapo” I have practiced acceptance and surrender with a few things that have felt bigger then I can handle. It has worked miracles. The key for me is when I stopped looking for the situation/El Guapo to change and focused on finding peace no matter what was happening in relationship. My only goal is inner peace and the world and my man can be turbulent but through acceptance and surrender I stay centered.
Hello Wonderful Ladies,I love relationship coach, Matt Boggs. He has a great E-book entitled “Cracking the Man Code” I found some free videos online that are a great introduction to his e-book. See below and enjoy!!! These videos are so good.
Today my girlfriend told me I looked like a content, sleek, satisfied and happy cat. When she said that I giggled knowing that was exactly how I felt. Practicing “The Art of Loving a Man” has allowed me to experience a man/relationship that is so dreamy and wonderful people would not believe me if I told them. The major work is in practicing the feminine energy principles of – allowing, vulnerabilty, patience, softness, sensuality and emotional depth. This has given me such a smooth, relaxed and confident energy not only in my relationship, but in all parts of my life. I believe that many women would benefit from getting more in touch with the energies of an Enchantress. Check out blog below, by Zinnia Gupte. Her website is –
I am loving this new relationship Coach, Megan Weks. She gets that a beautiful relationship starts with how a woman feels about herself and how healed her heart is. She also deeply understands how important feminine and masculine energies are in relationships, for attraction and energy flow. She has a great Facebook group also. Check it out! See her blog below. Enjoy!
This was the text I received today from my fiancee “El Guapo” (He has been gone 1 day for work.) It brought tears to my eyes and filled my belly with warmth and love. This is the feeling all women should experience daily. They should feel a man’s adoration and desire to be in her presence. A woman should feel wanted and loved by her man to the point she feels like she is floating on clouds. So how does a woman get to this place? How does a woman get a man to give her all his love, adoration and commitment? She takes the long hard road of inner healing. She cracks open her heart and feels all the horrible feelings she has been hiding since she was a little girl. She learns the art of managing her wild, uncontrollable emotions. She learns to transmute her darkness into light in order to be a calm, loving presence in the relationship. A Goddess understands it has nothing to do with the man in front of her. To try to change a man is to loose years of your life, wasting your precious energy. A Goddess changes the energies of her own heart and then attracts the side of a man that is chivalrous, romantic and loyal. Every man has the reckless boy side and the hero side in him. How he responds to a woman just depends on the behavior of the woman standing in front of him. I have been tortured by the voices in my head and the pain in my heart for years. Yet, despite this I have stood strong and transformed myself into a woman who is in complete control of her energy, emotions, behaviors and words. I have learned to feel all my darker emotions and after I feel them, I’ve learned to choose love and compassion. This bravery has gifted me with a man that treats me like a queen. As I sit here at my desk and feel the excitement of having my man desire to see me, I congratulate myself for the hard work I have done on my healing journey. I write this today to offer hope and inspiration to all women who think that fairy tale love does not exist. I promise you it does!
At some point in our journey as women we realize that there are two roads when it comes to intimate relationships. There is the road of stagnation and a closed heart and mind or there is the road of personal growth, vulnerability and an open heart. At some point when you are tired of the drama you will be confronted with this choice. About 3 years ago I found myself at this crossroad. I was at a point in my life where I was suffering deeply and tired of bad relationships. It was then that I realized I played a bigger role then I thought in why my relationships always broke down. This is when I decided to choose my road. I chose love not fear. I chose a better life for myself and my daughter. I read and watched everything all reputable relationship coaches and spiritual teachers had to say on healing and intimacy. Armed with this knowledge and the will to experience something good and real, I took the risk and changed my negative behaviors and patterns. I soon became a master at creating what is now the most beautiful and fulfilling relationship I could ever dream of with a very successful, handsome and wonderful man “El Guapo.” The article below helped me when I first started my journey. It is information that can be found in Relationship coach, Christian Carter’s e-book “Catch Him and Keep Him.”
I read a quote the other day that resonated deeply with me and I wanted to share it with you all.
I have a new love and his name is David Deida. He is an author and lecturer speaking about topics such as Masculine and Feminine energies between men and women. He also writes/speaks about sexual polarity attraction. This is a fascinating topic if you are having a difficult time in your intimate life. So you may be wondering why do I love this author/lecturer? I love him because he feels a man is at his best when he is cherishing a woman he loves and living life fearlessly with an open heart. He also says that a man must pursue his passions and obtain his set goals or he will feel inadequate and empty and not have the energies available to navigate the world of feminine mysteries. Its deep stuff, but enlightening. I especially like what he says about masculine and feminine energies complimenting each other and creating lust and attraction. I noticed in my own life his theories to be 100% true.
I think one of the biggest turning points for me was when I started to study the male perspective on relationships and love. I had never put much thought into what a man thought about relationships because I was always so concerned only with what I desperately needed as a woman. If you are serious about changing your relationship dynamics then I highly suggest you check out some of the great male relationship coaches and authors. If you are like me once you read their work you might be a bit embarrassed by your past behaviors. My top 4 male coaches/authors are Christian Carter, John Gray, Mat Boggs and David Deida. Explore their work and you will have many aha moments! I have posted a blog below by Mat Boggs. He has an incredible e-book entitled “Cracking the Man Code.”
I am a student of the Course in Miracles which is a self-study spiritual thought system. It is my anchor in a world that has lost it’s way. It is also my primary tool in maintaining my beautiful relationship with “El Guapo.” Since I can remember I have been tortured endlessly by the emotional pain in relationships. It was not until a few years ago I said to myself “There must be another way.” This is when I began to see that the turbulence I experienced in relationships was really about the turbulence that existed inside myself. I just brought this drama to each new man. In order to grow and heal I realized I needed to find something greater then myself to put my faith into. This new relationship with my higher power was the healing I needed and the missing piece to help me navigate my relationships and emotional pain. It does not matter what your belief is (God/Universe/Jesus/Allah/Buddha), it only matters that you be connected to something deeper then another person. This will create the foundation you need to cultivate real intimacy and love because you will not depend on another person to heal you. You will not need to control and demand that your beloved be and do a certain thing so you will feel love. You will already have love from your relationship to the divine. This will make you less needy, controlling and angry. A man is very attracted to a woman whose primary connection is to something bigger then him. He senses that you are a woman that will bring peace and love to the relationship. This makes a man want to step up and cherish and give to a woman. Find this strength in any way that feels right to you and enchanted love will find you. See author, Marianne Williamson’s prayer below from her book, Enchanted Love.
This posting is a little different in that it was created by a guest blogger. I would like to introduce a wonderful woman and amazing Goddess, Kayla. See her wonderful insights below.