Author: Anthony Fletcher
Who doesn’t love a good ol’ date night? Of course, the classic dinner and a movie comes to mind. Or, maybe you’re more of the adventurous type? Someone who is keen on trying something new like rock climbing or a quirky immersive attraction. Whatever your jam used to be pre Covid-19, last year the world as we knew it came to a sudden halt. The world suddenly became a whole lot more stressful amid uncertainty. And dating, as we knew it, had become a thing of the past.
This months article is about the romantic view we have on love and on our love partners.In almost all love related movies or books, there is usually a promising happy end which shows that everything is just perfect. The end of such kind of a movie usually shows a couple which is „meant to be together“. Or: he or she found „the one“ who will fulfil ALL our life dreams, the one will make us happy until the end of our days, and will ease our pain, whatever pain it may be.
Plenty Of Fishclick to visitChristian Mingleclick to visitElite Singlesclick to visitJDateclick to visit
This article is about the way love starts and the healthy way to let love start and be.The last few days I was thinking about the expression „to fall in love“.
Hello Goddess Friends,It seems to be that when you get one area of your life figured out, another area pops up and screams “Hey you! I need healing too!”. And so it is that I find myself in a new situation that is requiring immense reflection, awareness, and trigger control practice. This new area for me is the relationship with my 13 year old daughter.
When you think about the word ‘habits’, it seems like a fairly unassuming word. But, it’s not actually a word many of us think much about at all. Its very nature means taking action without giving it much, if any, thought.
I know just how difficult it is to date at this time in your life. And it’s even harder when you’re doing it in isolation, doubting yourself and wasting precious time. Firstly, nothing is wrong with you. I’ve coached and supported so many women over the last decade and this is normal.
Hello Beautiful Goddesses,I have to share with you a day in the life of a feminine goddess. I am the feminine goddess and yesterday was the very stressful and strange day.
The todays article is about being grateful and stopping to moan.The last couple of days I was sitting in the hospital, recovering from a knee surgery. At the moment I am sitting at home, still recovering from the knee surgery I had last week.
Hello Goddess Friends,Today, I was in deep thought wondering – Why do women really want a romantic relationship anyways? Is it to share love or is to get love? If it is to share love, then that means a woman must be full of love and has enough to give away. On the other hand, if the goal is to get love, then that means a woman has a void and is seeking to fill it. These are two very different goals with two very different outcomes.
Hello Seven hosted a virtual town hall event last year following the murder of George Floyd. The aim of the Town Hall was to reimagine small businesses moving forward from that pivotal point in history. If you yourself run a small business and haven’t seen it, I recommend watching the meeting here. The result of the meeting was asking small business owners to sign up to the Anti-Racist Small Business Pledge (see image below).