Author: Anthony Fletcher
Today, I want to give a sneak peek into my life as a feminine energy woman. I want to share with you the beautiful exchanges I share with my masculine husband and also my internal struggles. I would say the most difficult thing for a feminine woman is learning when to not control a situation with her man and/or try to outsmart him with her opinions and “I can do it better attitude.”
Hot off the Press, a new study published in the academic journal, PLoS-ONE, encourages users not to be shy when it comes to crafting your online dating profile text.
Hello Beautiful Goddesses,I have been struggling with what to write about for this Valentine’s Day. Maybe it’s the pandemic or the continued unraveling of intimate relationships that I see so often that has me feeling a bit sad. What I do know is that if you do not have a special someone to make you feel special on this day, then you must do it for yourself.
Are you using the apps to meet new people or in the hopes of finding a new relationship?When was the last time you took a good look at your attitude around using them? Online dating tips, as seen on social media sites or heard on podcasts, often focus on the profile setup, but we think that a person’s mindset is equally important.
Hello Beautiful Goddesses,I have been wanting to post more teachings from one of my favorite relationship coaches, Dr. Pat Allen. She is a pioneer in feminine and masculine energy dynamics. Her teachings are life-changing. Today, I will be posting an excerpt from her book entitled, “Getting To I do.”
So many bad dating app photos. So little time. Head to any dating app right now and you’ll see a lot of dating photos out there that are actively preventing single people from receiving the quality of matches they deserve. Could you be someone who is missing out?
Quality Time. How important is it? Well, in my point of view, and as shown in certain studies as well, it is crucial for a healthy & well working relationship. Let’s find out more about it.
Hello Goddesses,It’s a new year and I am excited about all the potential for change and growth for us beautiful women. Today, I want to talk about feminine vulnerability and what that looks like with a masculine man. Let me first say that I believe some women use feminine vulnerability way too early and with the wrong men. They use it with men that they have not formed an emotional bond with and with men that are not really showing signs of strong interest. This is when it backfires. When it is used in the wrong way, vulnerability becomes a method to control men as a woman tries to produce a desired outcome. This is not real feminine vulnerability. This is masculine controlling energy, disguised as the Feminine.
I was coaching a client the other day, and she was analyzing a man’s behavior, trying to determine if he might be more serious about her. I gently stopped her and told her to stop trying to figure it out and dream bigger. I told her to imagine having a man that was clear and direct with how he felt about her and his plans for their future. She seemed stunned for a moment. It did not dawn on her that this was even an option.
Hi guys, today I want to share some thoughts about the topic ‘mindfulness’ and how to combine this when it comes to Love. The inspiration of setting a link between those two amazingly interesting topics came from a great meeting I attended last week.
Here at Hey Saturday, the original home of dating profile photography, our whole focus is on helping people create the best dating profile pictures they can, to attract more and better quality matches on dating apps. Most of our clients use dating apps like the ubiquitous Tinder, Hinge, Her, Bumble, Grindr, Match, Plenty of Fish (in the US), eHarmony etc. We’ve been serving awesome dating profile pictures since 2013, so have a lot to say and share on which photos make the best ones.