Contained in the Thoughts of a Man

Contained in the Thoughts of a Man

Needs a woman to show appreciation for little and big thingsNeeds a woman to respect his thoughts and ideas

Why Males Pull Away

Why Males Pull Away

Matthew Boggs author of “Cracking the Man Code” writes about the biochemistry of men and women in love. The main idea is that women’s feel good chemical suppresses men’s feel good chemical in the brain. 

Secrets and techniques of an Enchantress

Secrets and techniques of an Enchantress

One of my favorite relationship coaches is Kristina Merchant. Check out some of her work below. It is a excerpt from her blog. She also has a new e-book entitled Prism Effect –

What Works With Males?

What Works With Males?

By Christian Carter www.catchhimandkeephim.comYou know how it is…A man will seem really excited to be with you, he’ll ask you out, maybe even bring you flowers, call all the time, and then…

Enchanting Energies

Enchanting Energies

I like this blog post (see below) by James Bauer. It speaks to the balance of energies within a Goddess. She is consistent and stable, yet unpredictable and wild. She carries both within her and allows both their time and space. I believe a relationship thrives in an environment with this dynamic. A man needs to know that he can depend on a woman to be emotionally stable so she is a safe harbor for him, yet he is wired for love excitement and thrills.  Therefore, a woman’s passion and wild unpredictable fire  is what keeps him wanting more. Just remember emotional stability is what allows for a woman to be playful and unpredictable. The light hearted energies of a Goddess are a result of the hard work she has done in healing her own wounded heart. It must be authentic.  Making peace with your inner emotional world comes first. Then a real relationship can begin and you can use your enchanting energies to create a romantic loving relationship with a real man.  

The Solely Factor That Issues

The Solely Factor That Issues

I just read Rori Raye’s new e-book “Surrender to Love” and it is very good. She gets right to the point when she says “In fact, nothing but the way you relate to him emotionally counts.” This is at the core of being a true Goddess. What I mean by that is that a true Goddess knows her power is in her ability to feel her feelings and provide a beautiful emotional environment for the relationship. This way her man is captivated and constantly seeking refuge and comfort with her. He loves the feeling of warmth and acceptance and he finds himself needing and wanting to be in this space more and more. It is magical for him to be with a woman that knows how to create this.  If your relationship is falling apart the first question you want to ask yourself is “what type of emotional environment am I creating?” Is it a loving, calm, sweet space or is it a battleground full of arrows and swords? This will determine weather he withdraws from you or moves mountains to be closer to you.

He Misplaced Curiosity In You, Now What?

He Misplaced Curiosity In You, Now What?

Kristina Marchant’s article expresses the essence of “The Way of the Goddess” better then any relationship coach I have encountered. Lately, I have heard too many stories about women who seem to have a great thing flowing with a new man and then suddenly he loses interest and the wheels come undone for these women. If you are one of those women remember the answer is not in what he is doing or thinking. The answer is in how you are being and reacting. Focus on you and an interested man can always turn around and move towards you again. Enjoy article below 🙂 

Journey, Fall and Eat Sh**! – aka The Path to Emotional Maturity

Journey, Fall and Eat Sh**! – aka The Path to Emotional Maturity

The below excerpt is from relationship God Christian Carter’s blog -www.catchhimandkeephim. He hits the nail on the head describing what a real man wants. He says a real man wants an emotionally mature woman.  Well that is great, but the most difficult area for any woman to grow in is in the world of emotions. So this can set up a bit of a dilemma. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve wanted to kick and scream and only accept things my way in my relationship, but it never gets me the results I want. In fact I end up with a man (my wonderful El Guapo) who is overwhelmed and resentful and withdraws. Expressing emotions should bring a couple closer, not create more distance. It takes a huge amount of emotional maturity to be in a relationship and us women pretty much trip, fall and eat sh** all the way through the growth process. Cheers to us women who give it a try. 🙂 

A Actual Man Desires A Girl Who Is Playful

A Actual Man Desires A Girl Who Is Playful

In honor of my love for Christian Carter’s work I am posting more of his blog article entitled “4 Things A Man Wants in a Woman” see #1 below 🙂 

Your Happiness – The Magical Elixir

Your Happiness – The Magical Elixir

NATURAL COMMITMENTGiving a man emotional space to move toward commitment can feel like sitting in a hot pool of lava and wanting to scream, jump out, and do anything to quickly move out of the situation.  This is when as a woman you mistakenly have the talk of “Why aren’t you ready……” and you accuse him of being afraid of commitment and you get angry etc… A man hears this and feels all your desperation and shuts down his heart, panics and gets that ewww feeling about you, even if he loves you. He knows that when he is ready it will feel natural and it never feels natural to have a woman ask for more if he is not ready.  

Keep in mind That I Love You!

Keep in mind That I Love You!

When I woke up this morning El Guapo (my boyfriend) had already left to work, but not without adding a reminder to the list I made for myself the night before.  (See picture) The reminder was “I love you.” It was a sweet and romantic gesture that makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside. It is the little things men do to make sure you know how special you are that makes all the difference. Yet, you must remember that it is you who inspires them to do these things for you. I was soft, sweet, gentle and playful all weekend. I gave him emotional space when he was overwhelmed with work and I reminded him how happy he makes me at every opportunity. Now don’t get me wrong it was not all roses – I had an issue that was bothering me “big time” and I just voiced my feelings without trying to control him or blame him. He listened and validated my feelings and we moved on. Each day, I keep inspiring him to shower me with affection, love and adoration and it feels AMAZING!!!! Oh and when I talk to him on the phone this morning he said “I already miss you now that you are gone.” This is how in love a man should be with his woman. It feels heavenly!